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    CHOREOS FIRENZE ITALY Type: SATB Founded: 2018 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 52 ABOUT CHOREOS - coro Lgbtq di Firenze è una formazione corale nata a gennaio 2018 all'interno di Ireos. E' composto da donne e uomini di tutti gli orientamenti sessuali e identità di genere e si propone come realtà inclusiva e aggregativa, con una missione politica sulle tematiche Lgbtq proprie dell'associazione. Da settembre 2020 si è costituita come associazione indipendente. Ha promosso e organizzato incontri corali e spettacoli tematici fra teatro e musica, per sensibilizzare sui temi come il contrasto all'omo-transfobia e alla misoginia, per la lotta all'aids, la memoria storica e attuale della persecuzione omofobica. Si è esibito per strada, in teatri e in circoli, in occasione di feste, cene, concerti e rassegne corali, a Firenze, Pisa, Padova, Spoleto, Perugia... Conta attualmente circa 50 componenti. Visit our YouTube channel here mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2020 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    RUSSIAN SECRET RUSSIA MOSCOW Type: SATB Members: 6 Founded: ? ABOUT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, alii nemore delicata an quo, vix platonem partiendo gubergren ea, no eos graece principes. Corrumpit prodesset ei his, affert audiam eum eu. Ius eros prompta antiopam an, debitis adolescens moderatius eu mea. Mei at diam putent, sit scriptorem delicatissimi ut. ​ Viris eleifend et has, prima tamquam deterruisset mea cu. Cu volumus atomorum eos. Putant option utamur mel id, inani probatus ut mei. Quo alii harum omittantur at. WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK EMAIL If for any reason you don't want to be on our website, give us the name of your choir and your email and click SUBMIT . SUBMIT your choir will be removed shortly, thanks


    DUBLIN GAY MEN'S CHORUS DUBLIN IRELAND Type: TTBB Founded: 2012 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 40 ABOUT The Dublin Gay Men's Chorus is Ireland’s only all-male gay choir and brings a fresh and fun approach to choral singing offering a wide variety of music with popular songs, jazz standards, classical pieces, film music and all sorts in between! ​ Dublin Gay Men's Chorus is for guys who love music and like to perform. We have a diverse repertoire which ranges from Negro Spiritual and Renaissance to Disney, Magnetic Fields and Take That! Please 'like' this page in order to keep in touch. Rehearsals are fun, productive and a place where you can improve your music skills too. equally mixed classic/rock/pop/musicals WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2014 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    VIKERLASED MTÜ TALLINN ESTONIA Type: SATB Founded: 2018 # Wonderful Supporting members 2 # Wonderful members 36 ABOUT Vikerlased was created by LGBT people for the queer community and their supporters in 2017. What started as a passing thought to create a choir that unites LGBT people, has blossomed into a vivacious and active community choir. More than hundred singers have been part of the choir through the years. Our repertoire includes pop songs and classical choral songs from Estonia and elsewhere. We mostly sing in Estonian and English, but have sung also in other languages. Vikerlased is based in Tallinn, Estonia and has members from Estonia, Finland, Netherlands, UK, Belgium, China and Cyprus. Apart from the Estonian song festival, we have performed at Prides in Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Estonia and collaborated with choirs from Finland (Out 'n loud, Helsingin queer-feministinen kuoro - HQFK, The Friends of Dorothy and Kaupungin naiset), Poland (Krakofonia) and the UK (Barberfellas). We have annually performed at LGBT film festival Festheart in Rakvere (Estonia) and at Gay Christians' Christmas services in Tallinn. In 2023, we performed at Various Voices festival in Bologna for the first time. What does Vikerlased mean? The word “vikerkaar” means rainbow in Estonian. Vikerlased means Estonian vikings and is also the title of the first opera of Estonia. equally mixed classic/rock/pop/musicals WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2018 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    DISSONANT AMSTERDAM THE NETHERLANDS Type: SSAA Members: 20 Founded: 1990 ABOUT Dissonant is een klein Regenboogkoor voor vrouwen. Onze leden komen uit de regio Amsterdam. ​ Word jij ook zo vrolijk van zingen? Wij verwelkomen graag enthousiaste vrouwen die van zingen houden. Kom en doe mee! ​ Onder leiding van onze jonge enthousiaste dirigent Ana Balestra zingen wij zowel licht klassiek repertoire als jazz en volksmuziek. We zingen a capella, een-, twee- of driestemmig. ​ In 2016 hebben wij deelgenomen aan het roze korenfestival Tutti in Utrecht Natuurlijk gaat het bij ons koor om samen zingen. Daarnaast ondernemen we ook andere activiteiten: uitjes, wandelingen, museumbezoek, samen uit eten, wat zich maar aandient… WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK EMAIL If for any reason you don't want to be on our website, give us the name of your choir and your email and click SUBMIT . SUBMIT your choir will be removed shortly, thanks

  • Gender Identity

    Gender Identity ​While the acronym LGBTQ+ is used broadly for the queer community, the letters can be confusing. Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual and Queer refers to a person's sexual orientation. But Transgender refers to a person's gender which is a completely separate element of identity. Like all other people, transgender people can be gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, or anything in between. The Q (queer, questioning) can refer to either or both gender or sexual orientation. Broadly speaking, transgender is an umbrella term for people whose gender expression and/or gender identity differs from conventional expectations based on their assigned gender at birth. Non-binary people are those who identify as a gender that is neither man nor woman or who are not men or women exclusively. Non-binary can refer to specific gender identity or it can function as an umbrella term which can include (though not always) people who are genderqueer, agender, bigender, neutrois, and others. Cis-gender is used to describe individuals who identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. For trans and non-binary people, the sound of the voice (range, color) can be a source of dysphoria and frustration; these individuals are often "misgendered" by others based on the sound of their voice. It is important that trans and non-binary individuals have a space to explore their voice in a choir and community that is safe. ​​ In addition, gender can be an especially complex topic within LEGATO choirs given that the structure of our choirs has historically rested on the gender binary with women's choirs, men's choirs, and mixed choir (implicitly invoking the gay/straight binary). ​ ​ ​What’s Next? ​ ​ There is a generational divide in how we think about gender. In order to bridge this gap, those of us who were raised with a more limited view of gender can take this as an opportunity to explore gender with new eyes, to read and ask questions to better understand gender’s complexity. As with any learning experience, you’ll learn more about the world around you and about yourself in the process. ​ ​ Gender diversity has existed throughout history and all over the world. As one of the most fundamental aspects of a person’s identity, gender deeply influences every part of one’s life. Where this crucial aspect of self is narrowly defined and rigidly enforced, individuals who exist outside of its norms face innumerable challenges. Even those who vary only slightly from norms can become targets of disapproval, discrimination, and even violence. ​ This does not have to be the case. Through thoughtful consideration of the uniqueness and validity of every person’s experience of self, we can develop greater acceptance for all. Not only will this create greater inclusion for individuals who challenge the norms of gender, but it will also create space for all individuals to more fully explore and express who they are. This can be a starting point for exploring equity, access and belonging in your choir. Here are a few tips: ​ ​​ For some trans women, singing in your choir may be the only place where they are truly free to express their identity as a woman. They may have spent the majority of their life dressed in "male-drag" in order to fit in. Forcing a trans woman to return to wearing traditionally masculine attire is dismissive of their identity and can be hurtful. Further, you have no way of knowing the true identity of everyone in a choir. Seeing transwomen dismissed in this way conveys the message that this choir isn't a safe space to explore their trans identity. ​ ​​ While this choir identifies as a "women's choir" they do not have a clear understanding of who is welcome. Are singers selected by gender, voice quality, range? It is important to explore this conversation so that auditioning singers know the choir expectations. ​ ​​ Think of the trans voice as an entirely new instrument, remember that during male puberty, vocal cords lengthen and thicken and the voice box grows. For trans men, it's not the same. It's going to be a different timbre, a different color, some of the bottom notes that a bass might get are not as likely to appear, and for trans women, why are some able to explore what we call falsetto in the male voice to develop a more female sound and some are not? And then collectively what is that timbre of a trans chorus?" ​​ Trans and non-binary individuals may be present in your choir even if they are not visible or out. Additionally, many choirs include women singing tenor or might have singers of varying genders in all voice parts. Don't assume. Use language that shows belonging for all. ​​ It is important that any director carefully balance this kind of request. Perhaps there are certain songs where the alto range fits the range of the singer even if it is not vocally healthy for her to sing as an alto on a regular basis. Your choir might clarify that section assignments are determined by vocal range rather than gender. Making sure that language for each section is completely free from gender can help. ​​ Some trans people don't change their names if they were given a gender-neutral name at birth, but many do change to better match the gender they know themselves to be. Telling someone they don't look like the name they have chosen is an insult to their identity. ​​ Gender and sexual orientation are personal and private topics. Coming out is the responsibility of the individual and no one else. Even if you know a person is out and open about being trans, it is still their identity to disclose to others in their own time and manner.


    DIE SCHRILLMÄNNER KARLSRUHE GERMANY Type: TTBB Founded: 1989 # Wonderful Supporting members 6 # Wonderful members 5 ABOUT Wir sind ein bunter Haufen schwuler Männer, die gerne zusammen à capella-Musik einstudieren und auf Konzerten zu Gehör bringen. ​ We are a bunch of gay men who like to study together acapella music and to listen to concerts. equally mixed classic/rock/pop/musicals WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 1997 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    HAAGS HOMOMANNENKOORVOX ROSA DEN HAAG THE NETHERLANDS Type: TTBB Founded: 1995 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 20 ABOUT Vox Rosa bestaat sinds 1985 en is daarmee het langst bestaande homomannenkoor van Nederland. Wij zijn gestart met voor-namelijk klassieke muziek. In de loop der jaren is er een mooie mix ontstaan met allerlei genres; van klassiek tot en met pop en van ontroerende nummers tot en met vrolijke meezingers. ​ Vox Rosa is er trots op een homomannenkoor te zijn. We zorgen ervoor dat dit bij onze optredens altijd is te zien & horen. We zijn ook lid van Legato, een vereniging van ongeveer 150 homo- en lesbo koren door heel Europa. Legato organiseert om de vier jaar het homokorenfestival "Various Voices", waar we altijd aan deelnemen. mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2000 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    QUEER QHOIR QOPENHAGEN COPENHAGEN DENMARK Type: SATB Founded: 2020 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 27 ABOUT We are a choir with ambitions to reach the highest level of musicality and to be a suppotive member of the LGBTQ community.0 mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2021 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    GALAKOOR AMSTERDAM AMSTERDAM THE NETHERLANDS Type: SATB Founded: 2013 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 35 ABOUT Galakoor is opgericht in september 2013 als een klassiek koor voor zangers die met elkaar verbonden zijn door hun LHBT-identiteit. Koorleden delen hun passie voor muziek en hun wens om met gelijkgestemden te zingen. ​ Het repertoire is klassiek en eigentijds, we zingen zowel grote als middelgrote werken. Oratorium-muziek vormt tot dusver de hoofdmoot van het repertoire. Daarbij wordt ook aandacht aan homoseksuele componisten besteed. Ook wil het koor nieuwe gevoelswaarden binnen tekst en muziek verkennen die ontstaan wanneer homoseksuele mannen en vrouwen deze uitvoeren. ​ Oprichter Yt Nicolai heeft inmiddels het dirigentenstokje overgedragen aan Joke Geraets. only classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2018 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES

  • unitedkingdommembers


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