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    ANDERSRUM UND IMMERSCHIEF OLDENBURG GERMANY Type: SSAA Members: 17 Founded: 1988 ABOUT Wir sind die Oldenburger Lesbenchörin "andersrum und immerschief". ​ Von „Schneewittchen“ bis „Miss Marple“, vom „schönen Jungfräulein“ im Mai zur „toten Gerda“ am Strand, von der „Untreue“ zur „Lesbe Rosa“ – wir waren nicht nur dabei, wir haben auch so manche Geschichte in die richtige Richtung gelenkt. Wir waren „Fahrrad fahr‘n in Sturm“ und schwören: „Dat du min Leevste büst“. ​ Wir lieben Kostüme, freuen uns über den Spaß mit- und aneinander und geraten schier in Euphorie, wenn wieder sämtliche Töne gestimmt haben. Wir singen alles, in der Regel 3- oder 4-stimmige Sätze von Poparrangements bis zur klassischen Chormusik, häufig auch mit eigenen Texten. Im Augenblick sind wir 17 aktive Sängerinnen mit einer Altersspanne von U30 bis Ü60, das heißt 40 Jahren. Jetzt wurde auch unser gemeinsamer Herzenswunsch erfüllt: Wir haben singeskräftige Verstärkung bekommen :) Nun hätten wir sehr gern noch weitere Sängerinnen jüngerer Jahrgänge, um die nächsten 25 Jahre zu sichern...! ​ Wenn Du mal hereinschauen möchtest: Geprobt wird wöchentlich donnerstags im PFL, Peterstraße 3, Oldenburg von 20:00-22:00 Uhr. Für Fragen erreichst Du uns über WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK EMAIL If for any reason you don't want to be on our website, give us the name of your choir and your email and click SUBMIT . SUBMIT your choir will be removed shortly, thanks


    OMPHALOS VOICES PERUGIA ITALY Type: SATB Founded: 2018 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 30 ABOUT Omphalos Voices nasce all’inizio del 2015 all’interno dell’associazione Omphalos e debutta il 17 maggio 2015 in occasione della Giornata Internazionale contro omofobia-lesbo-bi-transfobia nella rassegna “Io canto per te – Voci per l’uguaglianza“, ormai appuntamento annuale a Perugia. ​ Il coro aderisce a Cromatica – Associazione Nazionale Cori Arcobaleno. ​ Nel maggio 2018 ha partecipato al Festival Various Voices a Monaco di Baviera esibendosi alla serata di gala al Philarmonie im Gasteig. Il coro ha omaggiato Aldo Capitini, filosofo pacifista perugino, esibendo un programma a lui dedicato in occasione dei concerti di apertura della Sagra Musicale Umbra 2018. equally mixed classic/rock/pop/musicals WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2018 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    ROSACAVALIERE E.V. BERLIN GERMANY Type: TTBB Founded: 1990 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 15 ABOUT Welcome to the RosaCavalieren We stand next to Lili in front of the barracks and accompany Major Tom into space. With Schubert and Bruckner we get the romance in the present. We sing for a dear audience and the one and the other worshipers In garters and tracksuits in rows of three and swimwear. Of course always a cappella. ​ Founded in 1990 as a gay men's chorus in Berlin, our ensemble consists RosaCavalieren today from about two dozen. Hits of the 20's and 30's were in the early years of our musical focus. Today the repertoire of Gregorian chants and song cycles of romance about rock and pop songs is enough to jazz interpretations, musicals, and popular songs. ​ We routinely prepare a new evening program in the form of a musical revue. We collaborate with different musicians. Together we develop arrangements that are tailored to us. They form the basis for a unique show. ​ Our program is pleasurable, our commitment politically. As naturally occurring gay group we designed for years with events commemorating the liberation of the concentration camp Sachsenhausen. In the extermination camps of the Third Reich and gay men were imprisoned, tortured and murdered. We also help people with HIV / AIDS with benefit concerts and participate in worship services in church PositiHIV in Berlin -Wilmersdorf. We heard from the Christopher Street Day and work with parties and civil rights movements together. Baby, we were born this way! ​ Willkommen bei den RosaCavalieren. ​ ​ Wir stehen neben Lili vor der Kaserne und begleiten Major Tom ins All. Mit Schubert und Bruckner holen wir die Romantik in die Gegenwart. Wir singen für ein verehrtes Publikum und den einen und anderen Verehrer. In Strapsen und Trainingsanzügen, in Dreireihern und Badehosen. Natürlich immer a cappella. ​ 1990 als schwuler Männerchor in Berlin gegründet, besteht unser Ensemble heute aus rund zwei Dutzend RosaCavalieren. Schlager der 20er und 30er Jahre bildeten in den Anfangsjahren unseren musikalischen Schwerpunkt. Heute reicht das Repertoire von Gregorianischen Chorälen und Liederzyklen der Romantik über Rock- und Popsongs bis hin zu Jazzinterpretationen, Musicals und Schlagern. ​ Wir erarbeiten regelmäßig ein neues abendfüllendes Programm in Form einer musikalischen Revue. Dabei arbeiten wir mit unterschiedlichen Musikern zusammen. Gemeinsam entwickeln wir Arrangements, die genau auf uns abgestimmt sind. Sie bilden die Basis für eine einzigartige Show. ​ Unser Programm ist lustvoll, unser Engagement politisch. Als selbstverständlich schwul auftretende Gruppe gestalteten wir seit Jahren Veranstaltungen zum Gedenken an die Befreiung des KZ Sachsenhausen mit. In dem Vernichtungslager wurden im dritten Reich auch schwule Männer inhaftiert, gefoltert und ermordet. Darüber hinaus unterstützen wir Menschen mit HIV/AIDS mit Benefiz-Konzerten und beteiligen uns an Gottesdiensten in der Kirche PositiHIV in Berlin-Wilmersdorf. Wir treten am Christopher-Street-Day auf und arbeiten mit Parteien und Bürgerrechtsbewegungen zusammen. Baby, we were born this way! mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 1998 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    DIE KESSEN BERLINESSEN BERLIN GERMANY Type: SSAA Founded: 2006 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 22 ABOUT Im März 2006 gründeten sieben singbegeisterte, frauenliebende Frauen aus Berlin unter der Leitung von Barbarella Olm einen Chor, der geprägt sein sollte von der Lust am Singen und dem Spaß an der Gemeinschaft im Chor und an gemeinsamen Auftritten. Inzwischen sind wir 20 Frauen gemischten Alters, die über das Lesbenleben mit seinen schönen, skurrilen und auch schattigen Seiten singen und damit auf die Bühne gehen. Wir singen eine bunte Mischung von Liedern aus den 20er Jahren bis zu modernem Pop. Oft dichten wir Lieder um, um (nicht ohne Selbstironie) lesbische Lebensweisen aufs Korn zu nehmen. Wir singen drei- bis vierstimmige Chorsätze, die von Barbarella arrangiert werden, a-capella und manchmal mit Klavier- oder anderer Instrumentalbegleitung. only rock/pop/musicals WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2012 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    LIEDERLICHE LESBEN E.V. FRANKFURT GERMANY Type: SSAA Founded: 1993 # Wonderful Supporting members 3 # Wonderful members 23 ABOUT A handful of lesbians who met to sing together in 1993 grew, in time, into a choir known for including theatrical scenes into their performances. Between 1999 and 2019 the choir wrote, produced, and starred in six plays, filled with songs and witty dialogue. Our repertoire spans across many genres, including Classic, pop, German and international songs. As each song serves a story telling function in our plays, we often rewrite the texts completely, giving well-known songs surprising twists. We are also interested in keeping our plays topical and relevant, tackling themes all across the lesbian and queer experience. Our choir members take creative charge on many levels: story writing, writing song lyrics and dialogue for scenes, building props and taking care of costuming. We may not always see eye to eye with each other, but we’re always able to entertain crowds with unexpected, funny and heartwarming performances. equally mixed classic/rock/pop/musicals WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 1997 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    COLEGAS - CORO LGBTI+ LISBON PORTUGAL Type: SATB Founded: 2008 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 25 ABOUT O CoLeGaS - Coro Lésbico, Gay e Simpatizante ILGA Portugal pretende, através da música, contribuir para uma sociedade mais inclusiva, igualitária.... e divertida! Desde Novembro de 2008 que ensaiamos em encontros abertos a todas as pessoas não completamente desafinadas (independentemente de orientação sexual, identidade de género, idade ou qualquer outra característica que não mesmo a desafinação). Visit our YouTube channel here mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2014 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    DIE TOLLKIRSCHEN LEIPZIG GERMANY Type: TTBB Founded: 2003 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 14 ABOUT We are 14 pansies, all full of zest for life. Conducted by our fabulous choirmaster Conny Schäfer we have been introducing gay culture to the provincial east of Germany since 2003. Our choir was founded by members of the former Kirschblüten. ​ In our performances we satirize situations from everyday life, present pop hits from the last century, and wiggle our hips seductively - the latter with support of our choreographer Carola Kleinsorge. ​ Within the last five years, our choir produced three programs: Alles wird sauber (premiere in 2004), (F)Lachbildschirm (2006) and our current program In Nachbars Garten (2008). ​ We already took part in the Various Voices festival in Paris 2005 and London 2009. ​ ​Seit etwa 10 Jahren versprühen die Sänger der Tollkirschen nicht nur in Leipzig sondern auch deutschlandweit und international Lebensfreude. Mit Programmen wie „der Flachbildschirm“ und „In Nachbars Garten“ nimmt der Chor Alltagssituationen musikalisch und spielerisch aufs Korn. Die Teilnahme beim weltweit größten schwul-lesbischen Chorfestival „Various Voices“ ist inzwischen schon Tradition. Bisher waren die Tollkirschen in Paris, Hamburg, Berlin und London dabei und freuen sich bereits auf das nächste Festival 2013 in Dublin. Schlage, Ostpop WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2004 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    LES GAMME'ELLES PARIS FRANCE Type: SSAA Members: 20 Founded: 2004 ABOUT Chœur de femmes lesbiennes hétéro-friendly ♫ Venez chanter avec nous ♫ un répertoire riche et varié de mélodies françaises et internationales sur des arrangements de Marielle Dellenbach. ​ ♫ Depuis 2004 ♫ une trentaine de Gamme'elles ♫ de Paris et ses alentours ♫ musiciennes ou béotiennes ♫ un répertoire féminin Les répétitions ont lieu : - Tous les mercredis soir pendant deux heures - Un dimanche après-midi par mois pendant trois heures - Un week-end trois fois par an ​ Échauffements, technique vocale, travail polyphonique, travail scénique et apprentissage du répertoire sont au programme des répétitions... ... ainsi qu'un pot de convivialité en fin de répétition un mercredi par mois ! L'association "Telle Qu'elle" qui constitue le chœur est composée : - d'un conseil d'administration, - d'une commission répertoire, - d'une commission chorégraphies, - d'une commission communication. WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK EMAIL If for any reason you don't want to be on our website, give us the name of your choir and your email and click SUBMIT . SUBMIT your choir will be removed shortly, thanks

  • Board Job Outline | LEGATO Choirs

    LEGATO Board Member Understanding 2024 A. Board Member Introduction ​ The LEGATO Board sets our organisation’s strategic direction and goals, ensures its financial viability and that it has funds to meet its needs, oversees its governance, and maintains general oversight of the management of the activities of its staff, contractors, and volunteers. Board Members are in the privileged position of providing essential governance and oversight to support the work of a vibrant and impactful membership organisation of 25 years standing. The LEGATO Membership, stakeholders, and allies represent an enormous asset to the Board in delivering our work. It is expected that the commitment given to the organisation by its members will be reflected in the commitment given by board members. As such, we are committed to ensuring that the Board remains accountable to Members, while at the same time being open to new ideas and activities outside existing practice if these would be beneficial to the organisation. ​ Board members are expected to behave in a positive way to promote and uphold the values of LEGATO and the global queer choral movement as we strive for equality through singing and engaging with a wide variety of audiences. They are expected to be advocates for our work and movement, including representing LEGATO at concerts, events, activities, festivals, and celebrations. LEGATO membership is diverse and intends to extend that diversity, and we hope to reflect this in the increasing diversity of Board membership. ​ B. The personal qualities we are looking for in our Board Members We seek board members who can demonstrate the following: ​ - A strong commitment to the mission, values, vision, and aims of the organisation. ​ - An understanding of, and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of the LEGATO. ​ - An understanding of and commitment to the role of a Membership organisation such as the LEGATO which depends upon its Member volunteers for its vitality. ​ - An ability to work effectively as a member of a team. ​ - A willingness to speak your mind and to be prepared when appropriate to adopt a view that may not be popular to ensure healthy debate and a balance of views. ​ - A willingness to devote the necessary time and effort to your duties as a Board member, including a commitment and ability to attend Board meetings (with a minimum of four out of six / 65% of Board meetings each year). ​ - To provide a balance of intellectual and emotional intelligence skills that come from your own experience to work with others in a problem-solving consensual environment . ​ ​ C. The structure of the Board All Board members are eligible to vote at Board meetings and are Elected by the Members. Board positions are elected by the Board members. ​ President - represents LEGATO, sets the agenda, chair meetings, and leads on external relationships and fundraising. ​ Vice President - deputy to the President, provides support and advice to the President and other board members as required. Manages the Team Legato Volunteers. ​ Secretary and Succession - responsible for creating meeting agenda, managing documents for LEGATO, organising or taking minutes at meetings, ensuring we meet our legal requirements as a charity and company, etc. To manage records for succession planning and communicate with future and past Board members. ​ Treasurer, Finance, Governance - Manages the budget and day-to-day financial operation of the LEGATO. Including managing the bank account and reserves, invoices for membership fees, and payment of invoices to LEGATO. Governance & and legal issues to ensure that legal, insurance, and employment requirements are met. To be aware of and carry out any statutory obligations. Development and Fundraising Lead – to create and develop fundraising activities to meet the ongoing financial needs and plans of the organisation. Membership and Members Services Lead – represents the Membership and its concerns on the Board, and manages the relationship with the Membership, managing the database of member Choir information, updates, etc Creates strategy to introduce new members. ​ Communication Lead - managing LEGATO website, social media channels, and communications to membership. ​ Project / Various Voices Lead - supervise and support the bid and delivery of our flagship festival. To facilitate and organise the logistics of member-focused events, including the Leadership College. ​ ​ Non-voting members of the Board Team Board Advisor – appointed by the board and can be asked to attend a board meeting, but has no voting rights. Team LEGATO Members - appointed by the board and can be asked to attend a board meeting, but have no voting rights. ​ D. Board Terms of Service ​ The Board has 7 members who each serve for two years, elected by LEGATO members at a General Meeting. board members serve a maximum term of six years TBC (as of the date of this document). It is planned for one-half of the Board to come up for election at any one time to provide continuity of Board service. ​ E. Expected Time Commitment The average Board Member’s time commitment is 10 hours each month. This includes a quarterly / bi-monthly online or in-person board meeting, other committee or group meetings, correspondence, reading, research, and connections with other groups, organisations, partners, donors, sponsors, and suppliers. Board members are expected to read all relevant papers in advance of a Board meeting to ensure the optimal use by the organisation of their expertise and enthusiasm. Board members are expected to attend General Meetings and any other events and activities agreed upon; to take an active leadership role in any development and fundraising workshops and activities of LEGATO; to participate in the annual board retreat and any other board activities. Board members are expected to use the knowledge, skills, or experience in which each has special expertise to help develop the organisation’s strategy and work. Accordingly, Board members are expected to serve on at least one committee, group, or team. ​ F. Compensation and Expenses ​ As service on the Board is considered an honour, Board members serve without compensation or remuneration and are expected to finance their expenses. Board members are permitted to seek support from their member choirs and can fundraise to support their board service. When appropriate, they may apply in advance for reasonable expenses to fulfill travel or other expenses on official LEGATO business, so long as receipts and invoices are supplied for any agreed official expenses or expenditures. Serving on the LEGATO Board is a voluntary position and Board members may not receive remuneration for their services, and any subcontracted work must be declared and follow the Conflict of Interest process (see section I). However, reasonable expenses access costs and contributions related to meeting the duties of the role can be covered where needed. Due to the international nature of LEGATO, the majority of meetings will be held online, including the AGM. On the occasion that physical meetings do take place, travel and accommodation may be part-subsidized where finances may prove a barrier. Any access costs or reasonable adjustment costs for disabled trustees will also be covered. Any expenses must be approved in advance by emailing The President and receipts and/or invoices supplied in advance of reimbursement. All trustees are individually responsible for declaring expenses received to their relevant tax body. ​ LEGATO will also support trustees through formal and informal training, development, and peer support including, but not limited to, our Leadership College and tailored events as part of the Various Voices Festival. ​ G. The Core Responsibilities of Board Board Members ​ Every Board member of the LEGATO is individually and also collectively responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the organisation. As such, their responsibilities cover directly or indirectly the following areas: i. Strategic oversight - Setting, developing, maintaining, and periodically reviewing LEGATO’s vision, Mission, and values. - Ensuring appropriate structures are in place to support and develop the growth of the LEGATO, as needed and appropriate - Giving oversight to, authorising, and maintaining the organisational strategy including multi-year delivery. - Monitoring risk through periodic review of our Risk Register - Ensuring that there is an effective and monitored evaluation of LEGATO’s output, as well as impact in all activities that affect the public, donors, sponsors, and funders - Monitoring and reviewing delivery in meeting the agreed objectives and priorities. ii. Financial Oversight and Control - Maintaining proper financial oversight and managing financial risk - Agreeing on the annual budget, and reviewing income and expenditure to quarterly and annual management accounts - Authorising authority to countersign on payments/bank transfers and any applications for grants - Ensuring that any property is insured against all reasonable liabilities - Appointing appropriately experienced independent auditors, subject to approval by LEGATO Membership at the AGM iii. Protecting and enhancing the Reputation of the organisation - Promoting fairness and mutual respect in all our business and undertakings internally and externally - Promoting the organisation publicly and protecting its values and its reputation, internally and externally - Ensuring that the public and social media of the LEGATO as authorised by the Executive Committee correspond to the current strategy and ongoing values of the organisation - Representing LEGATO publicly at functions, events, and meetings as appropriate iv. Development/Fundraising - Providing oversight and strategic guidance in raising funds to deliver on our plans and meet our objectives. - Ensuring compliance with any agreed and stated requirements of the funders of LEGATO work and thereby ensuring good stewardship and continuing relationships for the future - Contributing and providing oversight to the fundraising strategy of the organisation and encouragement for those who implement it - Actively getting involved in Development activities through making introductions or making exemplary donations where appropriate to provide a lead to the whole organisation v. Legal and Charity Governance - Ensuring that LEGATO complies with our Articles of Association, and pursues its stated charitable objectives - Ensuring suitable policies and documents exist to support our charitable purposes and are implemented and monitored - Ensuring compliance with the law in Germany and/or the law of Germany as indicated by our Articles - Ensuring that our legal, insurance, data protection, and any employment requirements are met - Ensuring we are aware of and carry out any statutory obligations and any changes in these obligations that would affect us vi. Ensuring effective governance by the Board within the confines of a Membership organisation ​ - Promoting the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion in the recruitment of board members and thereby showing an example to the membership. - Maintaining the effective performance of the work of the board members in the delivery of their work for the Board - Ensuring that effective channels of communication exist between the Membership with its various volunteer committees and leads represented in the Board of Board members, around strategy, LEGATO governance, development/fundraising, and overall direction of the organisation. ​ H. Board Code of Conduct ​ Our board members operate according to a Code of Conduct and are subject to sanctions [at the date of this document, a process under discussion] for not complying with this code, which could ultimately lead to removal as a Director of the Board. All board members are expected to: - Exercise the powers of your Board member position and actively fulfill your responsibilities in good faith and in the best interests of the LEGATO. - Exercise these responsibilities, at all times, with due diligence, care, and skill reasonably and prudently. - Respect and support the LEGATO constitution, policies, and majority decisions of the Board, and agree to comply with and support decisions even if you have voted against them while retaining the right to bring them back to the Board for further discussion - Keep confidential all information learned about donors, contributors, staff, volunteers, and any other matters specifically determined by the Board to be matters of confidentiality, including matters dealt with during meetings of the Board. - Respectfully conduct yourself at all times in how you communicate verbally and in writing in your capacity as a Board Member. - Be aware of the sensitivities of others on the Board and an awareness that others may have different personal values, ideas, and perspectives to you that require respectful attention, even if you disagree with them - Work in a collegial manner respecting that decisions are made by consensus and democratically by a vote of board members in attendance ​ I. Conflicts of Interest The standard of behavior at the LEGATO as a Charity/Non-Profit and a mutually supportive Membership organisation requires all staff, volunteers, and Board members to scrupulously avoid conflicts of interest between the interests of LEGATO, on one hand, and personal, professional, and business interests on the other. This includes not only avoiding potential and actual conflicts of interest but also any public or internal perceptions of conflicts of interest. By maintaining such a standard, we will protect the integrity of the LEGATO decision-making process, thereby enabling all our stakeholders and Members to have confidence in our integrity, and in turn to protect the integrity and reputations of our volunteers, staff, and Board members. Each Board member therefore is required to make a full disclosure of interests, relationships, and holdings that could potentially or perceptually result in a conflict of interest. In the course of Board meetings or LEGATO activities, you will disclose any interests in any transaction or decision where you (including your business or other non-profit / charity affiliations), your family and/or personal partner, spouse, employer, or close associates will receive a benefit or gain. After any such disclosure, you understand that you will be asked to leave any meeting space for the discussion and will not be permitted to vote on the question. ​ J. Board Member Verbal Affirmation ​ I confirm that I fully understand and agree with the details outlined in this agreement, will fulfill the role and responsibilities of Board Member to the best of my ability in an open, honest, and collegial manner, respect and maintain the confidentiality of Board discussions, and decisions, and always declare in advance any conflict of interest. I further understand that as part of an ongoing review of the commitment, practice, and workload of each Board Member, I will be asked to review this document and my past year as a Board Member at an Annual Board Member Appraisal Meeting with the Chair/President (or in the case of the Chair/President being appraised, with the Vice Chair/President), at which any issues that have arisen in the previous year concerning the role and responsibility of a Board Member as outlined in this document can be discussed. To be affirmed by each board member at each new year board meeting ​ ​ If you have any questions or are interested in serving LEGATO in any capacity please send us an email to ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ TEAM Team LEGATO Volunteer Outline ​ Team LEGATO are people who volunteer to support the LEGATO Board of Directors and help to carry out their duties, roles and responsibilities, to deliver for our members. Team LEGATO Volunteers will work in small groups led by a board member on a specific task for a set period to complete the task or on an ongoing group. ​ The roles will vary and will be agreed in writing with the Vice President, who will recruit, organise and manage Team LEGATO volunteers. ​ LEGATO Choirs membership is very diverse, and we hope to reflect this in the diversity of the Team LEGATO Volunteers, who are expected to behave positively to promote and uphold the values of LEGATO and the LGBTQ+ choral movement for equality through singing and entertainment. ​ Qualifications ​ To qualify for Team LEGATO, you need to be willing to work as a team member and share your skills and good humor and complete any tasks you commit to and tell your Team Leader of progress and share any difficulties or challenges. ​ Application to Join and process to volunteer for Team LEGATO ​ Please submit a short written application to the LEGATO Team leader, either in response to a request or because you want to help serve our membership by volunteering. Outline any relevant experience you bring to a task or role and why you want to volunteer for Team LEGATO. ​ We will process your application and this may include you to complete a short online volunteering survey. We will invite you to an online meet-up to discuss how you can volunteer and agree on the details of how you can best serve LEGATO and our stakeholders. This will be part of your Team LEGATO record that you can view at any time. A board member will mentor and work with you during your period of volunteering. There may be training and feedback sessions. There will be an assessment of your service with your full involvement and cooperation to support you and ensure you are happy and content with your service. ​ Conflict of Interest ​ Team LEGATO volunteers should be aware to declare any conflict of interest in advance, and this should be reviewed at the annual assessment. If you are not sure, please ask. Team LEGATO volunteers can be asked to step down from volunteering service. ​ Commitment ​ The time commitment will vary according to the task. At your initial interview, you will agree to your task and time commitment. An average expectation is 5 hours each month. This includes an online monthly meeting. ​ If you have any questions or are interested in serving LEGATO in any capacity, please email us to

  • Privacy Policy | LEGATO European Association of LGBTQ+ Choirs

    Responsible for content and design of this website: LEGATO e. V. - European Association of LGBTQ+ Choirs c/o Martin Gerrits Bauerstr. 37, 80796 München, Germany +49 170 7600484 ​ Juancho Almenara Clara del Rey 39, 28002 Madrid, Spain +34 628 700784 ​ - ​ Board Juancho Almenara, Martin Brophy, Misza Czerniak, Martin Gerrits, Dominik K. Jakob, Dr. Petra Pechaček, Annette Zahl. ​ Registered as a charitable association under German law. Registration Court: Mannheim, Association number: VR 102885 The responsibility is restricted to the content of the LEGATO-Website only. All contents that develop from links to other sites are out of this responsibility. LEGATO disassociates from all contents on linked sites (without any rating) for legal reasons. LEGATO Privacy Policy This privacy policy will explain how our organization uses the personal data we collect from you when you use our website. Topics: ​ What data do we collect? How do we collect your data? How will we use your data? How do we store your data? Marketing What are your data protection rights? What are cookies? How do we use cookies? What types of cookies do we use? How to manage your cookies Privacy policies of other websites Changes to our privacy policy How to contact us How to contact the appropriate authorities What data do we collect? ​ Our Association collects the following data: ​ Personal identification information (Name, email address, phone number, etc.) ​ How do we collect your data? You directly provide Our Association with most of the data we collect. We collect data and process data when you: ​ Register online your membership. Voluntarily complete a customer survey or provide feedback on any of our message boards or via email. Use or view our website via your browser's cookies. ​ How will we use your data? ​ Our Association collects your data so that we can: ​ Process your membership, manage your membership. Email you with services we think you might like. (I.e. Various Voices Festival) ​ How do we store your data? Our company is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases, and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall. Our Association will keep your Membership for the duration of it. Once this time period has expired, we will delete your data. ​ Marketing Our Association would like to send you information about services of ours that we think you might like, as well as those of our partner choirs. If you have agreed to receive marketing, you may always opt-out at a later date. You have the right at any time to stop Our Association from contacting you for marketing purposes or giving your data to other choirs. If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes, please click here. ​ What are your data protection rights? Our Association would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following: The right to access - You have the right to request Our Association for copies of your personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service. The right to rectification - You have the right to request that Our Association correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request Our Association to complete information you believe is incomplete. The right to erasure - You have the right to request that Our Association erase your personal data, under certain conditions. The right to restrict processing - You have the right to request that Our Association restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions. The right to object to processing - You have the right to object to Our Association's processing of your personal data, under certain conditions. The right to data portability - You have the right to request that Our Association transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions. If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at our email: What are cookies? Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behavior information. When you visit our websites, we may collect information from you automatically through cookies or similar technology. For further information, visit . ​ How do we use cookies? Our Association uses cookies in a range of ways to improve your experience on our website, including: ​ To provide a great experience for your visitors and customers. To identify your registered members (users who registered to your site) To monitor and analyze the performance, operation, and effectiveness of Wix's platform. To ensure our platform is secure and safe to use. ​ What types of cookies do we use? There are a number of different types of cookies, however, our website uses: Functionality - Our Association uses these cookies so that we recognize you on our website and remember your previously selected preferences. These could include what language you prefer and the location you are in. A mix of first-party and third-party cookies are used. ​ How to manage cookies ​ You can set your browser not to accept cookies, and the above website tells you how to remove cookies from your browser. However, in a few cases, some of our website features may not function as a result. ​ Privacy policies of other websites ​ The Our Association website contains links to other websites. Our privacy policy applies only to our website, so if you click on a link to another website, you should read their privacy policy. Changes to our privacy policy ​ Our Association keeps its privacy policy under regular review and places any updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated on 1 November 2019. We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here that it has been updated, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we use and/or disclose it. How to contact us ​ If you have any questions about Our Association's privacy policy, the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us. ​ Email us at


    CHORALLE BREMEN GERMANY Type: SSAA Members: 25 Founded: 1998 ABOUT Gegründet aus den ehemaligen Sängern des Schulchors der Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Realschule Neustadt/Aisch. ​ Einer der besten ausgezeichneten Chöre Deutschlands WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK EMAIL If for any reason you don't want to be on our website, give us the name of your choir and your email and click SUBMIT . SUBMIT your choir will be removed shortly, thanks


    May 20 - 23, 1993 7TH FESTIVAL 1993 ZURICH 14 Choirs from 5 Countries

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