14 days charity offer: 50% of each ticket goes to Ukraine.
On the last weekend in May (26.-29.5.), »Da Capo al dente« hosts »nordakkord 2022«, the biggest queer choir festival in Northern Germany, in Bremen. More than 500 queer singers and musicians will join for three days of celebrating and rejoicing.

20 choirs will fill the Metropol-Theater on three consecutive nights with a program ranging from glamorous show to delicate tunes, from classic to pop, ending in a wonderful party for all on Saturday night. Please find details on the program and the participating choirs here: www.nordakkord.de
Celebrating in times of war in Europe?
Together with the whole community, we as organizers of »nordakkord 2022« are shocked and appalled about the war in Ukraine that was started some weeks ago by a homophobic autocrat. In our thoughts, we stand side by side with »Qwerty Queer«, »Dorothy’s Friends«, »Voice Is My Life«, and »Midnight Descant« – to name but a few queer choirs in Ukraine -, but we also reach out to all queers in Russia who are equally affected. For all of them, we stand up for democracy, diversity, and living together in peace!
To support those who have to flee or decide to stay in their home towns despite the difficult circumstances, we will donate 50% of each ticket sold between April, 10 and 24, 2022 to the »Aktionsbündnis gegen Homophobie e.V. – Queere Nothilfe Ukraine«, a broad alliance of queer groups helping the war-affected queers in Ukraine.
Tickets for »nordakkord 2022« are available via the Metropol-Theater Bremen or at Nordwestticket stating "nordakkord".
Venue: Metropol Theater Bremen, Richtweg 7, 28195 Bremen
Concerts: Thursday, 26.5.2022 (public holiday), 19:30 h Friday, 27.5.2022, 19:30 h, Saturday, 28.5.2022, 19:30 h
Contact: Ulrike Bendrat, Mobile: +49 171 140 29 44