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    LAURA & THE LESBIANS MANCHESTER UNITED KINGDOM Type: SSAA Founded: 2017 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 4 ABOUT We like singing music sung or written by women, and especially those of a 🌈 persuasion. We predominantly sing music written and/or sung by queer women and their allies :) WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2022 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    SHOWGETTEN MÜNSTER GERMANY Type: SSAA Founded: 2022 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 16 ABOUT Show-Choir WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2024 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    BEHOORLIJK BEKOORLIJK DEN BOSCH/’S-HERTOGENBOSCH THE NETHERLANDS Type: SSAA Members: 27 Founded: 2000 ABOUT Behoorlijk Bekoorlijk is het meest roze, theatrale vrouwenkoor van Den Bosch en de verre omstreken ​ Sinds het jaar 2000 zingen wij uit volle borst over het leven en de liefde, zowel bekende liederen als eigen werk, en worden daarbij begeleid door piano en gitaar. ​ Ons repertoire bestaat voornamelijk uit Nederlandstalige liedjes met veel smart, humor, nostalgie en drama, hier en daar een beetje extra roze gekleurd. Van Anneke Grönloh tot Claudia de Breij en van de Selvera’s tot Jan Rot. Maar ook steeds meer eigen werk! WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK EMAIL If for any reason you don't want to be on our website, give us the name of your choir and your email and click SUBMIT . SUBMIT your choir will be removed shortly, thanks

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    DONNACAPPELLA FRANKFURT GERMANY Type: SATB Founded: 1994 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 28 ABOUT Wir sind ein 1994 gegründeter lesbischer Frauenchor aus Frankfurt am Main. 30 Sängerinnen singen bei uns (nomen est omen) a cappella. ​ Unser breit gefächertes Repertoire besteht aus Interpretationen bekannter Popstücke, die wir zumeist mit jazzigen Harmonien durchsetzen. Mal groovig und voller Power, mal sanft und gefühlvoll, begeistern wir unser Publikum sowohl durch unsere musikalischen Arrangements als auch durch unsere Choreographie und die Inszenierung unser Programme. ​ Die fünfstimmigen Arrangements für Sopran 1 und 2, Mezzosopran, Alt und Tenor sind unser besonderes Merkmal. Wer behauptet, Tenor sei nicht für den Stimmumfang von Frauen geeignet, der sollte bei uns einmal genau hinhören! n/a WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 1998 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    ROSAKEHLCHEN E.V. MANNHEIM GERMANY Type: TTBB Founded: 1992 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 16 ABOUT Die RosaKehlchen sind eine Unterart der Familie der Chorsänger, bei der sich nur die männlichen Exemplare mit gleichgeschlechtlichem Paarungstrieb zum gemeinsamen Singen zusammentun. Ihr Verbreitungsgebiet ist der Raum Mannheim-Heidelberg. Wegen ihrer allgemeinen Distanzlosigkeit sind die beschwingten Sangeskünstler allgemeine Sympathieträger. Die Art gilt nach wie vor als gefährdet. ​ Ihr Gesang ist mit unzähligen sich fortlaufend ändernden Motiven äußerst variabel. An warmen Montagen ist ihr zartes, bisweilen auch druckvolles, aber immer lebhaftes Singen kurz vor Sonnenuntergang im nördlichen Mannheim zu hören. Nächtliches Singen urbaner RosaKehlchen auf Plätzen, die während des Tages laut sind, legt nahe, dass sie zu dieser stilleren Zeit singen, damit ihre Botschaft von der Umgebung klarer aufgenommen werden kann. ​ Und jetzt mal im Ernst: ​ Schwuler Chor in Heidelberg-Mannheim seit 1992 ​ Die RosaKehlchen sind eine Gruppe von etwa 20 schwulen Männern aller Altersstufen, die Spaß am gemeinsamen Singen haben. Wir wagen uns ins Spannungsfeld zwischen musikalischem Anspruch und witziger Unterhaltung, und versäumen zwischen politischem und gesellschaftlichem Engagement nicht, uns selbst und die schöne schwule Welt selbstironisch auf die Schippe zu nehmen. ​ Unser Repertoire reicht vom Barock über die Comedian Harmonists bis hin zu modernen Pop-Bearbeitungen, vorgetragen zum Klavier oder a cappella. Altbekanntes nimmt durch unsere in der Regel selbst geschriebenen Texte manchmal eine unerwartete Wendung. Auch szenisch-choreographisch kann man von uns etwas anderes als von einem eher traditionsorientierten Männergesangsverein erwarten. Kurzum: Die RosaKehlchen sind nicht nur hörens- sondern auch sehenswert! ​ Sie möchten etwas über unser aktuelles Programm oder die nächsten Auftritte erfahren? Oder Sie sind einfach neugierig auf die RosaKehlchen als Teil der schwulen Kultur in unserer Metropolregion? Bitteschön: Hier finden Sie alles über unser Programm, die Musik, Pressestimmen, unsere Geschichte, Bilder, Plakate und vieles mehr. mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 1997 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    KRAKOFONIA KRAKOW POLAND Type: SATB Founded: 2014 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 53 ABOUT Krakofonia jest chórem amatorskim, zrzeszającym osoby identyfikujące się jako LGBTQ+ oraz przyjaciół. Jest to pierwszy tego rodzaju chór w Krakowie, a drugi w Polsce. Chór działa od listopada 2014 roku. Tworzymy przestrzeń przyjazną każdemu, dlatego wśród nas są nie tylko osoby LGBTQ+, ale także ludzie szukający zrozumienia i dobra w dzisiejszym świecie. Jesteśmy podzieleni na 4 głosy: sopran, alt, tenor, bas. W naszym repertuarze posiadamy utwory z czasów renesansu po współczesną muzykę rozrywkową. Koncertujemy sami oraz z innymi chórami w Polsce i zagranicą. Krakofonia is an amateur choir of people identifying as LGBTQ+ and their allies. Launched in November 2014, it’s the first such initiative in Cracow and second in Poland. We aim to create a safe space for everyone so we take onboard not just LGBTQ+ people but also anyone seeking understanding and kindness in today’s often harsh world. We are divided into four voices: soprano, alto, tenor and bass. Our repertoire is as diverse as we are, varying from Renaissance canons, to choral classics, to contemporary pop songs; we also sing in several languages. We perform on our own or in joint performances with other choirs in Poland and abroad. Visit our YouTube channel here mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2017 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES

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    AMSTERDAM GAY MEN'S CHORUS AMSTERDAM THE NETHERLANDS Type: TTBB Founded: 2015 # Wonderful Supporting members 17 # Wonderful members 74 ABOUT Bringing together more than 80 singers and dancers, the Amsterdam Gay Men’s Chorus is the largest gay men’s chorus in the Netherlands. ​We pride ourselves on being an accepting, open-minded, and supportive group, and we strive to be a safe, welcoming place for gay men who love to sing and dance. The chorus performs several times throughout the year and our repertoire is fun and fresh, ranging from pop and musical theatre to jazz, classical, and traditional melodies. mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2022 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    CHOR VOCES GAUDII WARSAW POLAND Type: SATB Founded: 2014 # Wonderful Supporting members 3 # Wonderful members 56 ABOUT Jesteśmy chórem LGBT+. Jest to pierwsza tego typu inicjatywa w Polsce, a naszym celem jest próba zaangażowania osób nieheteronormatywnych w działania kulturalne i społeczne oraz budowanie mostów za pomocą muzyki. Chór ma swoją siedzibę w Warszawie, ale koncertuje w całej Polsce oraz jest zapraszany do tworzenia oprawy artystycznej wielu wydarzeń LGBT+, jak np. konferencji Ilga Europe czy Parady Równości. ​ W repertuarze chóru znajduje się zarówno klasyka jak i muzyka rozrywkowa w aranżacjach chóralnych. Voces Gaudii należy do Stowarzyszenia Legato, które zrzesza chóru LGBT+ z całej Europy. ​ First choir LGBTQ people and friends in Poland The mission of the choir: Support the development and socialization of LGBTQ Support the LGBTQ community, Work for the good of the whole society through integration activities and educational mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2016 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    LONDON GAY MEN'S CHORUS LONDON UNITED KINGDOM Type: TTBB Founded: 1991 # Wonderful Supporting members 85 # Wonderful members 210 ABOUT In 1991, nine friends came together to sing a few Christmas carols at Angel Underground Station hoping to raise a few pounds for the Terrance Higgins Trust. London was in the midst of the AIDS crisis and the men, who belonged to a social group called London Friend sang together to find a place of support, of friendship and of brotherhood. Little did they know what they had kickstarted. Fast-forward 20 years later, and this once small band of singers now calls itself the London Gay Men's Chorus. Boasting over 200 members, the LGMC is the largest gay choir in Europe and regularly plays to sell-out crowds at Southbank Centre, Cadogan Hall and the Roundhouse. Over the years, the chorus has been lucky enough to have worked with a diverse range of artists including pop stars Mark Ronson and Elton John, soprano Lesley Garrett, country legend Dolly Parton, musical theatre star Hannah Waddingham, actor Simon Callow and comedienne Sandi Toksvig. The LGMC has also appeared on Children In Need, Comic Relief, The One Show, The Graham Norton Show and Top of the Pops. In 2012 the London Gay Men's Chorus celebrated their 21st anniversary with a sell-out performance at the Royal Festival Hall, in which they sang with a youth chorus comprising of schoolchildren from around North London alongside autistic pupils from the Riverside School. Establishing a reputation for high energy, surprising and technically accomplished performances, the chorus has, since 2008, appeared at Edinburgh Festival and has performed internationally from Warsaw to Sydney. During 2013, the London Gay Men's Chorus is both the official choir of Covent Garden and choir-in-residence at the Museum of London. The chorus's groundbreaking education programme sees members of the ensemble conducting workshops in schools across London, working with teachers and pupils to eradicate homophobia from the classroom. We work with the charity Diversity Role Models, challenging preconceptions of gay men and in 2012, sang at 10 Downing Street to kick homophobia out of sport. ​ THE LONDON GAY MEN'S CHORUS: entertains, educates and inspires through song takes risks - making unexpected and surprising programming decisions, and performing in unusual spaces performs a diverse range of music to the highest technical standard provides a safe, supportive community for gay men to socialise, exchange ideas and have fun works with schoolchildren, teachers and parents to eradicate homophobic bullying believes that a diverse society is a strong society; that all people, regardless of sexuality, are equal and should be treated as such and works with other community groups and individuals who share our vision. mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2003 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    LES PETIT DUCS TOULOUSE FRANCE Type: SATB Founded: 2019 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 15 ABOUT A-capella quintet from Toulouse n/a WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2022 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES

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