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    ALARIDO - CORO FEMINISTA E LGBT LISBON LISBON Type: SATB Members: 11 Founded: 2017 ABOUT Ensaios ao domingo, 19h-21h, na Junta de Freguesia de Campolide. Se queres fazer ativismo através da música, junta-te a nós! WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK EMAIL If for any reason you don't want to be on our website, give us the name of your choir and your email and click SUBMIT . SUBMIT your choir will be removed shortly, thanks

  • Big Conversation | LEGATO Choirs

    Thank you so much for contributing and letting us know what your priorities and needs are! Your answers were very helpful and informative, and the Board is now preparing a series of events to start responding to those needs. Meanwhile, you are the first one to see the report with the findings of that small research. Please reach out if you have any questions or if you would like to contribute to the events focused on the winning topics.

  • Brussels Rendezvous | LEGATO Choirs

    SAVE THE DATE Brussels Rendezvous 14th to 16th June 2024 ​ Team Brussels invites you all to save the date to come to “Rendezvous Brussels’’ to have a look at Brussels and experience the venues for the 2026 Various Voices Festival. Invitation and registration will be sent out later in the year.

  • Membership | LEGATO European Association of LGBTQ+ Choirs

    We welcome you to join us in our mission to promote art and culture, particularly to promote choral singing. ​ ​To promote understanding between nations, particularly by staging events with participants from many European nations. To work with us for the emancipation of LGBTQ+ individuals in Europe and combat discrimination against these groups. ​ Simply fill out and submit our membership application form below. Application for Membership Membership Fee LEGATO funds itself through the membership fee of the member choirs. ​ The membership fee is thirty euros (€ 30,00) per year. You are free for the first year if you sign up in the last two months. (November & December) We will send out a bill together with the confirmation. ​ Bank account: LEGATO E. V. Bank name: VR Bank Main-Kinzig-Buedingen eG IBAN: DE83 5066 1639 0002 2572 20 BIC: GENO DE F1 LSR ​ Or use our PayPal account to make the payment


    Thursday, 3 October 2024 at 17:00:00 UTC NORDAKKORD '24 - DAS QUEERE CHORFESTIVAL DES NORDENS NORDAKKORD '24 - DAS QUEERE CHORFESTIVAL DES NORDENS Willkommen beim NORDAKKORD 2024! Wir vom Chor SCHOLA CANTOROSA freuen uns schon riesig auf das kommende Festival 2024! Das neue LOGO ist fertig: „Chöre des Nordens, legt in Hamburg an, macht fest und lasst uns gemeinsam singen. Werte wie Toleranz, Akzeptanz, Weltoffenheit und Respekt sind hier fest verankert!“ Vom 03.10.24 bis zum 06.10.24 wird der NORDAKKORD im Ohnsorg Theater stattfinden! SAVE THE DATE! Seit einiger Zeit sind wir nun dabei, die Organisation dieses großen Events zu meistern und sind mitten in der Preproduction. Daher befindet sich diese Homepage noch im Aufbau und wird in den nächsten Monaten seine finale Gestaltung erhalten. Vita „Nordakkord“ Das queere Chorfestival „Nordakkord“ ist 2011 als „schwul-lesbisches Chorfestival des Nordens“ vom Münsteraner Schwulen-Chor „Homophon“ gegründet worden. An der Premiere nahmen damals zehn Chöre aus Norddeutschland teil. Seitdem wurde „Nordakkord“ im Zweijahresrhythmus in Hamburg (2013), Leipzig (2015) Köln (2017), Berlin (2019) und Bremen (2022) ausgerichtet. Zuletzt mit 20 teilnehmenden Chören und großem Erfolg. Zum „Nordakkord“ 2024 lädt SCHOLA CANTOROSA nach Hamburg ins Ohnsorg Theater ein! Ohnsorg-Theater Große Bleichen 25 · 20354 Hamburg GERMANY SCHOLA CANTOROSA


    WIENER QUEERSTIMMEN VIENNA AUSTRIA Type: SATB Members: 8 Founded: 2009 ABOUT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, alii nemore delicata an quo, vix platonem partiendo gubergren ea, no eos graece principes. Corrumpit prodesset ei his, affert audiam eum eu. Ius eros prompta antiopam an, debitis adolescens moderatius eu mea. Mei at diam putent, sit scriptorem delicatissimi ut. ​ Viris eleifend et has, prima tamquam deterruisset mea cu. Cu volumus atomorum eos. Putant option utamur mel id, inani probatus ut mei. Quo alii harum omittantur at. WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK EMAIL If for any reason you don't want to be on our website, give us the name of your choir and your email and click SUBMIT . SUBMIT your choir will be removed shortly, thanks


    CHOEUR A VOIX ET A VAPEUR LYON FRANCE Type: SATB Members: 60 Founded: 2002 ABOUT Le chœur “A Voix et A vapeur” (ou AVAV) est né en octobre 2002 de la volonté de créer à Lyon un ensemble vocal rassemblant des Gays, Lesbiennes, Bisexuel.les, Transgenres, Intersexes, ainsi que des ami.e.s et sympathisant.e.s pour tisser des liens autour d’un projet musical ambitieux. Le choeur rassemble environ 60 choristes chaque année. ​ Nous interprétons de nombreux styles musicaux, incluant du répertoire classique, des titres "pop", des musiques du monde... sans oublier l'esprit Arc-en-Ciel qui nous caractérise ! Ainsi, des titres tels qu'"Over the Rainbow" ou "I am what I Am" soulignent notre volonté de valoriser la visibilité des identités LGBTI+ via le chant. ​ AVAV ne fait pas passer d'auditions : toute personne ayant envie de chanter dans un esprit de convivialité peut nous rejoindre, quel que soit son niveau musical ! WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK EMAIL If for any reason you don't want to be on our website, give us the name of your choir and your email and click SUBMIT . SUBMIT your choir will be removed shortly, thanks

  • GALA Choruses Festival 2024

    Wednesday, 10 July 2024 at 10:00:00 UTC GALA Choruses Festival 2024 GALA Choruses Festival 2024 Wednesday, July 10–Sunday, July 14 in Minneapolis, MN MINNEAPOLIS USA GALA Choruses


    QUEERUBIM NATIONAL GERMANY Type: SATB Members: 25 Founded: 2005 ABOUT Wir … sind auf viele Weisen queer: lesbisch, schwul, bi, trans*, hetero, … machen geistliche Musik. stehen dem christlichen Glauben nahe. ​ Geboren wurde die Idee für unseren Chor im Rahmen eines Workshops beim „Ersten Kongress zur Vernetzung christlicher Lesben- und Schwulengruppen” in Bielefeld im Jahr 2005. Dieser Workshopchor unter Leitung von Klaus Müller hatte zündenden Charakter. ​ Die Idee, Lesben und Schwule zum gemeinsamen Singen zu animieren und sich dem gesamten Repertoire vorrangig der geistlichen Literatur für gemischte Chöre zuzuwenden, hat uns im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes „beflügelt”. Von daher erklärt sich auch unser Name Queerubim, den wir uns beim Gründungstreffen im September 2006 in Bielefeld gaben. ​ We ... Are queer in many ways: lesbian, gay, bi, trans *, hetero, ... Make spiritual music. Are close to the Christian faith. ​​ The idea for our choir was born as part of a workshop at the "First Congress on the Networking of Christian Lesbian and Gay Groups" in Bielefeld in 2005. This workshop choir under the direction of Klaus Müller was an inspiring character. ​ The idea of encouraging lesbians and gays to sing together and reverting to the entire repertoire of spiritual literature for mixed choirs has "literally" inspired us in the truest sense of the word. This is why our name Queerubim, which we gave at the founding meeting in September 2006 in Bielefeld. WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK EMAIL If for any reason you don't want to be on our website, give us the name of your choir and your email and click SUBMIT . SUBMIT your choir will be removed shortly, thanks


    PINK SINGERS LONDON UNITED KINGDOM Type: SATB Founded: 1983 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 120 ABOUT As Europe’s longest-running LGBT+ choir, we have grown and blossomed into a group of over 100 singers since we were first formed on 7 April 1983 for the Lesbian & Gay Pride march in London. At that time, the age of consent was still unequal and AIDS had barely reached the political agenda. At our core, we are essentially a community choir, made up of incredibly talented people from a diverse range of sexual orientations, gender identities and backgrounds united by a passion for singing great choral music. We perform two main London concerts each year, numerous smaller concerts and sing with other choirs around the UK and the world. mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 1998 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    MELODIVA MUNICH GERMANY Type: SSAA Founded: 1995 # Wonderful Supporting members 15 # Wonderful members 28 ABOUT Melodiva Lesbian Choir – songs, show, and cabaret with a humorous and enigmatic view of lesbian life. We love singing all musical genres, from pop and hit songs via rock and musicals to classical music and Bavarian mocking-songs (“diss tracks” or “battle rap”). Every two years we present a new full-length program using a story we developed ourselves, our own texts and arrangements, lively choreography, a variety of stage sets, and costumes we designed and made ourselves. We present you a polyphony of 29 singers, a pianist and a cajón-[box drum]-player under the professional choir-leadership of Marja Giesen. Music and great entertainment for queers and straights! ​ Melodiva, das ist Musical, Revue, Show – mit humorvollem Blick auf den lesbischen Alltag. Wir lieben und singen alle musikalischen Genres, von Pop und Schlager über Rock und Musical bis hin zu Klassik und bayerischen Gstanzln. ​ Alle zwei bis drei Jahre bringen wir ein neues bendfüllendes Programm heraus mit einer selbst entwickelten Story, eigenen Texten und Arrangements, passender Choreografie und wechselndem Bühnenbild, Kostümen und Maske. Seit dem Gründungsjahr 1995 standen bereits sechs Musiktheater – neben vielen kurzen Auftritten – auf dem Programm. Wir arbeiten zur Zeit an unserem zehnten Programm für den Herbst 2019. – Es wird spannend! Das können wir jetzt schon verraten… ​ Mehrmals im Jahr treten wir in München oder anderen Städten auf, bei eigenen Konzerten, Chorfestivals und Frauen- oder lesbisch-schwulen Ereignissen. Vielstimmig präsentieren wir dabei mit 30 Sängerinnen und einer Klavierspielerin unter professioneller Chorleitung von Marja Giesen Musik und beste Unterhaltung für queer und straight! mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 1998 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    LISBON GAY MEN'S CHORUS LISBON PORTUGAL Type: TTBB Members: ? Founded: 2018 ABOUT A música tem o poder de nos transportar para outras realidades e outros tempos. O Lisbon Gay Men's Chorus, à imagem de outros homónimos espalhados pelo mundo, abraça esse poder, e visa chegar a um público vasto de amantes da música e das artes de palco, sem nunca esquecer a sua origem LGBT. Sendo completamente inclusivos, abrimos as portas a todos os que se identificam como homens - sejam homo, bi, hetero, pan ou assexuais -, e que abracem a causa da inclusão, da igualdade e da equidade, independentemente do género, orientação sexual, religião ou raça. WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK EMAIL If for any reason you don't want to be on our website, give us the name of your choir and your email and click SUBMIT . SUBMIT your choir will be removed shortly, thanks

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