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Type: SATB
Founded: 1997

# Wonderful Supporting members
# Wonderful members


Es gibt diese magischen Momente, wo dIETAKTLOSEN merken, dass der Chor fliegt.


Wenn der Sopran beim Bass eine Gänsehaut erzeugt, der Tenor den Alt zum seufzen bringt, der Bass im Bauch kitzelt, der Alt swingt und unsere Frau Kapellmeister am Ende lächelnd „ja“ sagt.


Dann wissen wir, warum wir das machen.


Wir mögen es anspruchsvoll, herzergreifend, groovy und manchmal auch kitschig. Musikstücke, die wir singen, müssen uns begeistern, sonst können wir andere nicht begeistern.


Stetig lotet Frau Kapellmeister Ilka Tenne-Mathow unsere Grenzen neu aus – das hält dIETAKTLOSEN seit mittlerweile mehr als 20 Jahren in Schwung.


Ach so, und wir sind überwiegend lesbisch und schwul. Ein bisschen hetero aber auch. Vor allem aber sind wir: taktlos.


The LGBT capital of western Germany has long had a vibrant choral scene with gay men’s choruses and lesbian choirs. History was made in 1997, however, with the founding of dÄ°E TAKTLOSEN. Born out of a desire for a choir that could sing traditional four-voice harmonies, we were the city’s first and are now its longest-running mixed choir for lesbians, gay men, and their straight friends.


Whether performing full choir a-cappella or in small ensembles, in concert or at rehearsals, our principal aim is to have fun making music together. In fact, we just love singing! From pop, rock and folk, through jazz and Latin standards to classical and traditional choral music, our wide-ranging repertoire includes delicate harmonies, infectious rhythms and exacting dynamics performed to a consistently high standard under the professional guidance of our choral director, Ilka Tenne.


Our own full-length concerts, as well as our performances at Cologne’s annual lesbian and gay choir festival “StimmFusion” and our joint Christmas concert with our sister choir, Cantilena, have made us a firm favorite on the LGBT choral music scene in our home city.


Invitations to perform in other parts of Germany and beyond have also taken us to places such as Bremen, Saarbrücken, Paris, and Amsterdam. We are always interested in hearing from other LGBT choirs. We hope to see you soon – maybe at one of our performances in Cologne, or perhaps we can come and perform in your city!

mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical


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