01 October 2021 Festival submisions open.
16 December 2021 Deadline to submit your entry.
26 December 2021 Premiere of the Festival Winter Melody.
If your choir is interested in participating in the Winter Melody, please email the following information to board@legato-choirs.com
A technical file containing: Choir, Title of the song, logo (JPEG, PNG) of your choir. -
If you have it, one or two digital photographs of the choir (at least 1MB in size, print resolution or 300dpi) suitable for publicity purposes.
Name, mobile phone number or email of the key contact person for your choir.
The link to one virtual or stage recording, wintry, festive or holiday related, or your best wishes video. (You can send both) 😉
You can also send us your video using any file transfer service e.g. WeTransfer.
The resolution of your video must be 720p to 1080p. (High Resolution). A lower resolution will also works, our elves will try and do a little magic.
We appreciate that the videos run between 45 seconds / 1 minute for your “best wishes”, and 3 to a maximum of 6 minutes for your “song”.
Choir videos will be uploaded by LEGATO on to our YouTube Channel & Facebook pages on 26 December 2021, at 4:00 PM (CET +1) .
Participants are fully responsible for the permission and copyright of the song.
For more information, contact us at
Dear Choirs:
Following the success of our “Spring Affair”, We would like to invite you to take part in our “Winter Melody” A Virtual Choir Celebration on 26 December 2021, 4 pm (CET).
So, let’s jingle our way into 2022! Take part in our celebration of the festive, wintry season. We would like to see and listen to the songs which keep you warm and comfortable during the cold months. Christmas carols and songs which reflect the character of winter are very much appreciated.
If time is too short for song recordings please, send us a short video filled with your best wishes, or send us both a song and your wishes for 2022. 😉
We are almost ready for Various Voices Festival Bologna 2023 #VV2023BOLOGNA, use this opportunity to wish the choirs all the best.
We invite all of you to stay active and productive during this times. Singing can bring happiness to all of us.
Hopefully, by continuing to sing, we will all be happy, excited and healthy.
Join us and invite your family and friends to celebrate the winter season.