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Blog Posts (29)


    Welcome new member choir SINCORO LGBT & Friendly Rome, Italy Type: SATB Members: 15 Founded: 2019 SinCoro LGBT & Friendly is an LGBT+-friendly choir, affiliated with the LGBT community centre Gay Center and situated in Testaccio neighbourhood, Rome. It was born in 2019 thanks to the intuition of the LGBT association Arcigay Roma and, specifically, the longstanding managerial and musical contribution of Francesco Angeli and Sonia Minnozzi. SinCoro is currently made up of members of different ages and backgrounds, all united by their passion for music and motivation to offer their contribution to LGBT+ issues. First SinCoro’s performance was on TDOR Memorial Day 2019, when the choir executed Cohen's renowned Hallelujah in order to commemorate transgender victims. SinCoro’s repertoire has since then considerably expanded and came to include pop music greatest hits and timeless classics, for example, "The Show Must Go On" and "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year." When the pandemic hit, despite living in isolation, SinCoro did not give up uniting their voices and performed virtually "Somewhere over the Rainbow" in order to show closeness to the LGBT+ community members who were forced to live in lockdown in difficult family settings. While resuming live rehearsals, SinCoro was happy to welcome the Maestro Maria Carolina Luzzo. She conducts the choir with grit, fun and sense of sharing, which are among the keywords of SinCoro. On the occasion of WAD 2021, SinCoro performed a new arrangement of "Hallelujah" and an energetic version of "Hit the road Jack!". In June 2022, SinCoro participated in Cromatica Festival in Rome: a splendid opportunity to share with all Italian LGBT+ choirs their passion for singing and their desire to make LGBT+ community’s voice heard.

  • Spreediven

    Welcome new member choir SPREEDIVEN Berlin, Germany Type: SSAA Members: 20 Founded: 2002 Die Spreediven sind mit allen Wassern gewaschen. Wir sind ein Lesbenchor mit 20 Sänger*innen aus Berlin und dem Umland, sind jung und alt, brünett, blond und Perücken-blau, haben Kinder oder keine und arbeiten oder nicht in den verschiedenen Berufen. Seit 2001 singen wir in wechselnden Besetzungen mit viel Spaß und Schwung. Unter der Leitung von Antje Hagen (hier verlinken mit Chorleitung) haben wir in den vergangenen Jahren unseren musikalischen Spielraum erweitert und neue Sänger*innen hinzugewonnen. Wir sind der Chor für Welle, Gesang und Lebensfreude! Wir verbringen gern Zeit miteinander und das nicht nur zum Singen. Reden, feiern, flirten, tanzen und Ideen spinnen, gemeinsam Texte ausdenken, Herausforderungen meistern. Gelegentlich verabreden wir uns auch für Aktionen ausserhalb der Probenzeiten etwa zum CSD Dykemarsch, zum Frauentag im Südblock… Es haben nicht immer alle Zeit, aber es sind immer alle willkommen. Die Spreediven sind vielseitig. Musikalisch segeln wir auf Pop, Jazz, Klassik, Rap und internationale Folklore.


    Welcome new member choir AMSTERDAM GAY MEN'S CHORUS Amsterdam - The Netherlands Type: TTBB Members: 75 / Supporting Members: 15 Founded: 2015 Bringing together more than 80 singers and dancers, the Amsterdam Gay Men’s Chorus is the largest gay men’s chorus in the Netherlands. ​We pride ourselves on being an accepting, open-minded, and supportive group, and we strive to be a safe, welcoming place for gay men who love to sing and dance. The chorus performs several times throughout the year and our repertoire is fun and fresh, ranging from pop and musical theater to jazz, classical, and traditional melodies. AMSTERDAM GAY MEN'S CHORUS (

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Other Pages (302)

  • Big Conversation | LEGATO Choirs

    Thank you so much for contributing and letting us know what your priorities and needs are! Your answers were very helpful and informative, and the Board is now preparing a series of events to start responding to those needs. Meanwhile, you are the first one to see the report with the findings of that small research. Please reach out if you have any questions or if you would like to contribute to the events focused on the winning topics.


    DACHOR COLONIA COLOGNE GERMANY Type: SATB Founded: 2008 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 28 ABOUT Der Kölner Chor singt vierstimmig unter der Leitung von Annette Piel. 2008 gegründet, widmen sich die Sängerinnen und Sänger nichts weniger als dem Leben in all seinen Facetten. ​ Wie das Leben so spielt, uns manchmal mitspielt, aber auch Unerhörtes zu bieten hat - davon singt daChor Colonia. Auch vor Publikum. ​ So sieht es hinter den Kulissen aus: Drei Frauenstimmen, eine Männerstimme, das macht das Klangbild von daChor Colonia aus. Geleitet von Annette Piel singt der Chor vorzugsweise auf deutsch, gerne wenig Bekanntes: vertonte Gedichte, schicker Pop, auch mal Renaissance-Stücke, Chansons, alte Schlager. Mit Spaß widmet er sich dem Ernst der Sache. ​ ​ Als einer der zahlreichen lesbisch-schwulen Chöre Kölns, ist daChor Colonia regelmäßig bei den Konzerten der Stimmfusion zu hören und zu sehen. ​ ​ The Cologne choir sings four-part under the direction of Annette Piel. Founded in 2008, the singers devote themselves to life in all their facets. ​ As life plays, sometimes plays along with us, but also has something unheard of - colonia sings of it. Also in front of the audience. ​ ​ This is how it looks behind the scenes: Three female voices, a male voice, makes the sound of daChor Colonia. Guided by Annette Piel the choir sings preferably in German, little known: Poems, chic pop, also Renaissance pieces, chansons, old hits. With fun, he devotes himself to the seriousness of the matter. ​ As one of the numerous lesbian-gay choirs of Cologne, Colhor is regularly heard and seen at the concerts of the vocal fusion. mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2017 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES

  • QORO

    QORO TURIN ITALY Type: SATB Founded: 2018 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 30 ABOUT Il Qoro è il primo coro LGBTQIE di Torino! Facciamo sentire la nostra voce!!! POSSO VENIRE A CANTARE? Non ci sono limiti all'ingresso, niente liste VIP! Servono solo tanta voglia di mettersi in gioco ed essere a favore della causa LGBT, Lesbica, Gay, Bisessuale, Transessuale, Queer (vedi sotto per scoprire se lo sei!) e Intersex! Non ci importa il tuo orientamento (Etero, Omo...): l'unica cosa importante è il sostegno alla causa! Non è necessario aver già cantato in coro, saper leggere la musica, avere una voce impostata (se hai già queste qualità, ben vengano!) -Non sono del giro... Mi spiegate un po' cosa vuol dire Queer? Letteralmente "queer" significa "strano", "particolare". E' stato usato in passato, e viene usato tutt'ora, nei peaesi anglofoni, in senso dispregiativo contro gli omosessuali. Oggi le associazioni LGBTQI se ne stanno riappropriando come termine ombrello, sotto il quale stanno tutte quelle persone che non sono strettamente eterosessuali e che non si identificano completamente nei ruoli di genere. Raccoglie quindi le persone Lesbiche, Gay, Bisessuali e Transessuali: sono, con un raggio più ampio, benvenuti anche coloro che non si riconoscono in nessuna delle precedenti "etichette". -Qualche esempio pratico? Nella mia vita ho sempre avuto solo esperienze eterosessuali, ma mi è capitato di provare qualcosa di inusuale per una persona del mio stesso sesso e questo mi ha fatto riflettere. Non mi è mai importato molto del sesso delle persone delle quali mi sono innamorato, ma non mi sono mai sentito parte di un'associazione gay. -Ma la Q di Qoro deriva quindi da Queer??? Sì! Ottima intuizione! mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2018 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES

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